
Showing posts from June, 2015

Presentation Companies and Field Trips For Next Year

Here are some companies who offer great programs, performances and field trips for your school: Three Left Feet Dance residencies for all levels with a culminating school-wide celebration School performance: "Elephant & Coyote"  May 30 - June 24, 2016 Characters found (and not found!) on the Alberta Prairies Click here for Three Left Feet Story Theatre Co. School Performances: Fables, Fools and Fantasy - interactive drama and literacy using traditional stories Anansi's Gift of Stories - Africa and Jamaican storytelling games Classroom Workshop: Flash Literacy Workshop - how to play storytelling games Prices range from $650-$895 Click here for Story Theatre Co.   Ruploops School Performances: Ruploops: A Musical Orbit  A live looping show using vocal percussion, rhythm rhymes and electric instruments Classroom workshop: Raise Your V.O.I.C.E. Beat Boxing Prices range from $650-$895 Click here for Ruploops Decidedly J...

Small Percussions Unit for Division I

Children love to experiment with small percussion instruments, and they can be a great way to enhance any performance. But how do we incorporate the use of them into daily classroom activities? Here is a mini unit on exploring an assortment of small percussion instruments in a variety of ways, leading up to students creating their very own instrument! Materials Required ·       Shakers ·       Rhythm Sticks ·       Sand blocks ·       Bell Bracelets ·       Wooden Spoons ·       Materials for Shaker Experiment (see below) Rules and Expectations With any introduction to instruments, students need to understand when it is ok to use the instrument and when and how to listen to instruction. However you choose to set it up, stick to a routine! 1.      Discuss the concept of instruments similar...

Pleasing Self-Portraits

Self-portraits can seem difficult, especially for the beginning artist, but they are a wonderful way of practicing sketching the human form. Any teacher who has observed a student evolving from the basic stick figure drawings to the composition of a recognizable face can attest to the pride in seeing their reflection in a work of art. The following are examples of how self-portraiture was integrated in a variety of different ways at Elbow Park School in Calgary. Mathematical Mystery Picasso Self-Portraits By Ms. Montanero’s Grade 1 Class Materials Required: -         Dice -         “Roll A Picasso Portrait” handout -         Sketch paper and pencil -         Watercolor paper -         Watercolor pencils -         Brushes and water -   ...