
Showing posts from September, 2017

Calgary & Regional Fine Arts Council Mini Conference!

Join the ATA Fine Arts Council for Regional Mini Conferences this year! These are to replace our annual conference held annually for all fine arts teachers in Alberta. Only $60 for registration, which includes 3 sessions, morning snack and lunch. Please use this link:  Calgary Registration! Sessions include: Art Sessions Art and Indigenous Culture (Stephan Wiebe) Process Art: Approaching Art as Open Ended Play (Jenna Kerr) Storyteller Dolls (Samia Drisdelle) Dance Sessions Promoting Arts-Centered Learning (Kara Hayley) Also see our Integration Sessions for dance-related sessions.   Drama Sessions Creating / Developing Character (Cynthia Statulat) Directing the School Play (Cynthia Statulat) Integration Sessions Dance Unit for P.E. (Kara Hayley) Puppet-making: Fusing Performance Arts, ELA, and Fine Arts Together (Darrin Wislon) Visual Arts Integration in the Middle School Classroom (Cintia Anselmo) Music Sessions Conque...