Mallet Percussion Instruments for Beginners!
This year was a huge success with mallet percussion instruments and Orff instruments! I have been limited in resources and experience in this area of Music, and was actually attracted to this book by its use of language to coach children through these fun instruments. I would highly recommend "Mallet Madness" for new Division I and II Music teachers or schools, that do not have a Music teacher, but have some of these instruments: Glockenspiel Xylophone Metallophone Mallet drums or hand drums Log drums Temple Blocks Conga Any other percussion instrument you might have! Within the book, there are great reproducibles for posters and prompts for playing! And the lessons include everything from set-up to warm-ups, games and using poems to create rhythms and songs! I have ordered from this site in the past, they have a ton of great music books: